To launch SanBaoWay – I am offering a range of FREE online training sessions

These have been selected to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of SanBaoWay.  You are welcome to attend as many or all of the classes listed below during this introductory period.

All classes/sessions will be delivered ONLINE – so all you need is a good WIFI connection; loose clothing; a space that provides enough room for you to extend your arms front/side/back; a positive attitude to learning and participating (and maybe an alarm clock if you want to join the early morning meditation sessions!)

Below is an outline of each of the sessions I will be offering FREE.

If you are interested in knowing more – please or DM on Instagram: @sanbaoway

Should you wish to participate in any of the sessions – I will arrange an informal call with you to provide further details on the sessions; what to expect from each; how you can gain the most from the sessions and to get a little bit more background on your current health and well-being, so that I can tailor sessions towards those attending. Online joining links will be sent prior to each session.

FREE online session timetable: Weekly: 13th Nov – 8th Dec

Session title Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Tranquil Sitting 06:00 – 06:30am 6:00 – 6:30am 6:00 – 6:30am
Dynamic Conditioning 06:35 – 07:15am 06:35 – 07:15am 06:35 – 07:15am
Three Treasures 20:00 – 21:00pm 19:30 – 20:30pm
Baduanjin: Eight Brocades QiGong 19:30 – 20:15pm

Details of each session below


‘Tranquil Sitting: Guided Morning Meditations’

These early morning meditations are offered to gently ease you into a new day. I will guide you through simple and easy to follow mindfulness-based meditations – each of which will connect you to your breath; your the inner self and to your intention for the day ahead.

The meditations are founded on proven mindfulness techniques and I simply integrate a flavour of traditional Oriental philosophy and well-known Qi / Energy meditative practices that enable us to re-connect with our ‘aliveness’. The meditations will normally last for around 20-25 mins.

All you need: A quiet space; Loose clothing;  A strong cushion to use for the meditation (alternatively, you can simply sit on a stool or chair for the meditation); Water;  Space enough for you to stand and extend your arms front/back/side. Good WIFI.

Online joining links will be sent to you following registration.

From these Guided meditation sessions – you are also welcome to stay on for the following Dynamic Conditioning sessions below.

Mon / Wed / Fri:


06:00 – 06:30am

13th Nov – 8th Dec

For more info:


DM on Insta:


Dynamic Conditioning

The Dynamic Conditioning sessions have been curated from a range of cardio-based techniques and practices that I have encountered and practised over the last 30 years. We will start the sessions with an invigorating Qi self-massage to open up and awaken the meridians (qi energy channels).

We then move into some controlled, gentle and simple stretches and extension exercises to further open the energy channels.

We will progress into a range body movements that derive from traditional martial art techniques – chosen specifically for their ease of learning and adapting to whatever your current physical condition may be.

Please note – this is NOT martial art training- it is simply utilising some key and basic principles from a range of practices in a combination that helps to develop our stamina; strength; agility and confidence. We will start slowly with each technique to then gently and progressively build up the speed and intensity. You will NOT be asked or expected to exert yourself any more than is comfortable for you.

All you need: A quiet space; Loose clothing; Water;  Space enough for you to stand and extend your arms front/back/side. Good WIFI.

Online joining links will be sent to you following registration.

Mon / Wed / Fri:


06:35 – 07.15am

13th Nov – 8th Dec

For more info:


DM on Insta:


‘Three Treasures’

This session includes elements that fully reflect the principles of san bao ‘the three treasures’ including a simple guided meditation (Zazen) to open the session > moving into gentle stretching and warm-up exercises > we then move into learning the basis of one of the most popular and accessible QiGong sequences (Baduanjin; Eight Pieces os Silk Brocade) > increasing our physical and cardio workout into a set of simple techniques and movements that provide our dynamic conditioning element of the practice

  • Tranquil Sitting / Guided Meditation
  • Body and Qi Stretch
  • Introduction to Baduanjin (Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade) QiGong sequence
  • Dynamic Conditioning
  • Closing meditation

All you need: Loose clothing. Water. Space enough for you to stand and extend your arms front/back/side. Good WIFI

Online joining links will be sent to you following registration.

Tues evenings:

14th Nov-5th Dec:

20:00 – 21:00pm

Wed evenings:

15th Nov-6th Dec

19:30 – 20:30pm

For more info:


DM on Insta:


‘Baduanjin: Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade: QiGong’

This session focuses specifically on the Baduanjin Eight Pieces of Silk Brocade QiGong sequence – one of the most renowned and accessible QiGong practices.

Each session will begin with a short meditation (tranquil sitting) to connect back to our breath. We will then move into some gentle Qi  warm-up exercises to open up our energy channels (meridians) in preparation for moving through the individual movements of the Baduanjin.

These introductory sessions are particularly beneficial for beginners who may not be familiar with QiGong practice and who would like to gain further insight into how this ancient and proven art of movement can positively benefit our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

All you need: Loose clothing. Water. Space enough for you to stand and extend your arms front/back/side. Good WIFI

Online joining links will be sent to you following registration.

Thurs evenings:

16th Nov-7th Dec:

19:30 – 20:15pm

For more info:


DM on Insta:
